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6th Annual Workshop on Biomeasures Collection
in Population-Based Health Research

"Biosocial and Technology-Based Approaches to Urban Health and Aging"

Location: Gleacher Center, Downtown Chicago

Date: Tuesday, October 25th, 2011
Time: 7:30 AM-4:30 PM

View Video Presentations

Plenary lecture "Biological and Physiological Measure Innovation in The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA)"
by Rose Anne Kenny, MD, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.
Introduction by Linda Waite, PhD and Stacy Tessler Lindau, MD, MAPP, The Univerity of Chicago.


Presentation "Use of Local Exam Surveys in Public Health Policy-Making: Experiences from the 2004 NYC HANES Survey"
by Lorna Thorpe, PhD, Columbia University
Introduction by Kate Cagney, PhD, The University of Chicago


Presentation 1 "Comprehensive Asset Mapping of the Built Environment and its Relationship to Urban Health and Aging"
by Jennifer Makelarski, PhD, MPH, The University of Chicago
Introduction by Joseph West, MSc,ScD, Sinai Urban Health Institute, Chicago

Presentation 2 "Minimally Invasive Measures of Environmental Toxin Exposure: Blood Spots and Breath Analysis"
by Bill Funk, PhD, Northwestern University and Joachim Pleil, PhD, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency


Presentation 1 "Update on Dried Blood Spot Technology for Population-Based Biosocial Research: The Oregon Health Study Experience"
by Heidi Allen, MSW, PhD, Providence Portland Medical Center
Introduction by Thom McDade, PhD, Northwestern University

Presentation 2 "Neighborhood Effects on Health"
by Jens Ludwig, PhD, The University of Chicago
Introduction by Monica Peek, MD, The University of Chicago

Closing remarks by Stacy Tessler Lindau, MD, MAPP